v Computer Hackers have been around for so many years. Since the Internet became widely used in the World, We have started to hear more and more about hacking. Only a few Hackers, such as Kevin Mitnick, are well known.
v In a world of Black and White, it’s easy to describe the typical Hacker. A general outline of a typical Hacker is an Antisocial, Pimple-faced Teenage boy. But the Digital world has many types of Hackers.
v Hackers are human like the rest of us and are, therefore, unique individuals, so an exact profile is hard to outline. The best broad description of Hackers is that all Hackers aren’t equal. Each Hacker has Motives, Methods and Skills. But some general characteristics can help you understand them. Not all Hackers are Antisocial, Pimple-faced Teenagers. Regardless, Hackers are curious about Knowing new things, Brave to take steps and they are often very Sharp Minded.
Hacker is a word that has two meanings:
v Traditionally, a Hacker is someone who likes to play with Software or Electronic Systems. Hackers enjoy Exploring and Learning how Computer systems operate. They love discovering new ways to work electronically.
v Recently, Hacker has taken on a new meaning — someone who maliciously breaks into systems for personal gain. Technically, these criminals are Crackers as Criminal Hackers. Crackers break into systems with malicious intentions.
v They do it for Personal gain, Fame, Profit and even Revenge. They Modify, Delete and Steal critical information, often making other people's life miserable.
v Hacking has a lot of meanings depending upon the person’s knowledge and his work intentions. Hacking is an Art as well as a Skill. Hacking is the knowledge by which one gets to achieve his Goals, anyhow, using his Skills and Power.
v Most people associate Hacking with breaking law, therefore calling all those guys who engage in hacking activities to be criminals. We agree that there are people out there who use hacking techniques to break the law, but hacking is not really about that. In fact, hacking is more about following the law and performing the steps within the limits.