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Windows User Account Attack

1) To See all the account present on the computer - - - Net user

2) To change the password without knowing the old password. - - - Net user administrator *

3) To make a new user account. - - - Net user hacker

4) To Delete the Existing user account. - - - Net user hacker /delete

5) To make a hidden account in computer.***** { Works only in windows XP} - - - Net user hacker and Net localgroup users hacker.

v      Note: - To login to this Hidden Account Press

v      Ctrl + Alt + Delete + Delete

v      And give the hidden user name in the user name field and password respectively.

ü   And the above are to be executed in command prompt. And the hacker indicates the respective user name. Or the name of the account.

Counter Measures of Windows Attack.

1) Change the Boot Sequence in the BIOS setup. Keep Hard Disk As 1st boot drive, then CD/DVD drive as 2nd boot device & Removable port as the 3rd boot device.

2) Put the BIOS password.

3) Put the physical Lock behind the cabinet of PC. (Put Lock).


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